
posted in: Editorial | 0

Here are three of a series of editorial illustrations that were created for a Publications class. They were submitted to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, my local newspaper. The water rights and education editorials were eventually used in the Sunday editions September 12 and 19, 2010.

The water rights piece was drawn in pen and ink and finished in Photoshop, while the education piece was created in Corel Painter. The break in communications was entirely Illustrator.

Macroinvertebrates of the Mississippi River

During early 2010 I did a series of illustrations of macroinvertebrates for the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium.

The illustrations depicted important species of insect and crustaceans that live in the river systems throughout the country. Each has an important role, whether as food for other lifeforms, predators feeding off these prey species, or as pest species. The exhibit involved the species and their relative tolerances to water pollution.

All images created in Illustrator.

Images placed in gallery.

The Operation- A Nightmare

An exercise in Photoshop coloring. The assignment was for an image involving nightmare or dream imagery. Based on conversations I’ve had, this came to mind. A fire ant, wolf spider, and house fly stand in for the surgery team as the gas mask descends. It’s not a personal nightmare of mine, though.

Drawn with ebony pencil, then scanned and colored in Photoshop, ala James Jean’s technique. My first real exercise in flatting an image before coloring, and I can understand the dislike of the tedious work involved.

Baba Yaga

posted in: Assorted Illustration | 0

Baba Yaga, the Great Witch of Russia and the nearby regions. I created the image as an ink drawing, then scanned and manipulated it in Photoshop.

My concept for Baba Yaga was as the shape shifting sinister witch of legend, transitioning from woman, bird of prey, and tree, with hints of winter.

Galaga Dogfight

posted in: Assorted Illustration | 0

This is a poster designed for a local bar that caters to video gamers. Galaga, in all its explosive glory, shown in full color! The insects and spaceship were each rendered in graphite pencil and scanned into Photoshop. There I colored and arranged them together for the final composition.

The image was created during the Generate 2010 at SCAD. We had 24 hours to create something from sketch to final version, from Friday 10 am to Saturday 10 am.